
​AlphaLift: The best car transfer aid for elderly people

Access Unlimited Lift on 18th Apr 2023

An elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair with a younger lady standing behind her, pointing something out in the distance. They are in a park with pink trees lining the background.

As we age, our mobility needs change and we may require a loved one or carer to safely move us from the wheelchair to a car. Fortunately, there is now an NDIS-approved device that can assist with this – AULift’s AlphaLift Mobility Lifter.

This innovative product offers much needed relief for seniors who have difficulty transitioning from the wheelchair into the passenger seat and vice versa. With its easy operation and highly efficient design, it provides those suffering with limited mobility a simple solution to get in and out of vehicles quickly and securely.

Whether you are looking for yourself or on behalf of another senior in your life, read on to learn more about how the AlphaLift can help improve safety when travelling between destinations!

Introducing the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter

The AlphaLift Mobility Lifter is the premier car transfer aid for elderly people and those with limited mobility. It is NDIS also approved so if you qualify, you may be rebated so there is minimal out of pocket charge.

Its in-built safety mechanisms quickly move patients from their wheelchairs directly to their car or van seat, removing the need of lifting or awkward manoeuvring. It universally fits to the car door, is portable and lightweight, and lifts up to 135kgs.

And, with automatic warranty and friendly customer service from the AULift team, you can be sure that you are investing in a reliable product with knowledgeable support.

Understanding how the AlphaLift car mobility aid works

For those who struggle with limited mobility and require a car mobility aid, understanding how the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter works can be incredibly helpful.

This device allows elderly patients with restricted range of movement to transfer effortlessly and safely from their wheelchair to the passenger seat in just seconds with a motorised hoist-and-sling system.

With safety as the foundation of its design, you can be sure that you'll get the secure support you need when using the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter. It is comfortable and secure for the user, while relieving carers from potential neck, back, or shoulder injuries.

Benefits of using our wheelchair to car transfer device

The AlphaLift Mobility Lifter provides a safe and comfortable transfer from a wheelchair to a car. It eliminates the need for manual lifting or other dangerous tactics many people resort to despite the injury risk.

The mobility lifer is designed for easy use and maximum safety – it allows for self-transferring into the car seat in a matter of seconds. It is designed to make travel easier for yourself and your elderly loved one as it is lightweight but strong, portable, and can universally fit on any car model.

Ensuring safety and comfort with the AlphaLift mobility hoist

Ensuring convenience, comfort and safety for those with limited mobility is paramount – and that’s AULift’s guarantee. The AlphaLift Mobility Lifter offers easy transition from wheelchair to the car, reducing stress, strain and ensuring a safe journey every time.

It takes into consideration every aspect necessary for a safe transfer, including a comfortable sling and strong anchor system for support as well as added stability when entering and exiting the vehicle.

The AlphaLift Mobility Lifter has been designed with exceptional quality to promote safety and ease, making it the perfect choice for people who require a little extra help in getting in and out of the car.

Why choose the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter over other alternatives

The AlphaLift Mobility Lifter by AULift is the preferred option in comparison to other mobility aids due to its superior quality and value. It is NDIS approved, which means that those who qualify may receive a rebate, making it an affordable option.

This unique lifter efficiently and securely transfers elderly people with limited mobility from their wheelchair directly into their car in just minutes, helping them to maintain independence and take control of their life.

Furthermore, the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter is incredibly simple for caretakers to operate and its intuitive design ensures that every user has a safe, comfortable experience each time. Choose the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter for the ultimate comfort and stability when transferring from a wheelchair to your car.

If you’re looking for an efficient way to help your elderly loved ones travel safely within your car then the AlphaLift Mobility Lifter is an excellent option. You can read more about it on our website, or if you have any questions you can email